I have recently returned from a much anticipated Immersion Retreat in Bali. It was all the things – relaxing, exhilarating, challenging, tiring, uplifting, healing and euphoric – I share a reflective piece on some things I learnt about myself below. The 8 day immersion was jam packed full of fun and challenging activities like yoga, meditation, surfing, pottery, hiking volcanos, breath work and ice baths. I had to laugh, I even managed to find an op shop too. And yes I did buy something 🙂

I wanted to travel light and easy, so I set myself a challenge to pack a capsule wardrobe and only take one carry on bag.
#1 Save money – I didn’t have to pay extra fees for checked-in luggage.
#2 Save time – upon departure checking in I jumped in the short queue and got through to my gate quicker to relax. On arrival I didn’t have to wait at the carousel to get my suitcase could just walk straight through to customs from the plane.
#3 No overwhelm or headaches – because I had limited wardrobe choices and a few items that all mixed and matched together picking outfits each day for activities was a breeze.
Watch the video HERE to find out exactly what I packed.

Reflections from my recent Bali retreat…..I recently posted this on my social media profiles and it struck a cord with many women so I thought I’d share it here with you too in the event you may resonate with what I share.
‘What does it mean to be woman on International Women’s day?
Who am I?
This question was asked of me last week on Immersion in Bali. I proceeded to answer I’m a daughter, sister, friend, lover, single mum, ex wife, business owner. Then the question was asked again
Who am I without labels? It was hard to answer I started to cry who was I without labels?? For years I grew up ashamed of my femininity, my womaness I learnt from a young age that showing emotion and crying were signs of weakness and to survive in a man’s world you just didn’t do it. I had to be one of the men in my adolescence pulling my weight with farm work, driving tractors, even hunting and gutting animals for our family to eat. For years I suppressed my femininity (at a physical cost too) to be in my masculine to fit in with my family and my career driven life. I slowly started to embody my femininity but it took many years. Last week on Immersion I had a number of powerful experiences that really helped me embody my sensuality and femininity.
Needless to say today when I answer the question Who am I without labels? I am infinite wisdom, embodiment, pure love, divinity, radiance, strength, depth, free spirited. I am woman.

Hit reply to this email and share with me any capsule wardrobe travel ideas you have or your thoughts on being a woman.
Have a beautiful week!
Much much love to you!
Rachel x
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