As Christmas gets closer and the year draws to an end, what are you saying goodbye to and leaving in this decade to move you into the next decade feeling more free, happy and joyful?
This time of year I always seem to get into a decluttering mood and this year is no different. Thanks to Facebook memories I was reminded of a 30 Day Challenge for Joy I did last year (which I’m doing again right now) inspired by my friend Alexandria Joy (AJ) who lives in her own tiny house The Joy Box.

Day 4
Forget wardrobes and cupboards for a minute, we are surrounded by so much stuff in our homes, yards and garages that it keeps us stuck and clutters our minds. This 30 Day Challenge for Joy helps you to slowly and deliberately remove objects from your lives and in doing so joy is replaced for very item that leaves.
Here’s how it works:
Each day for the next 30 days (or how ever long it takes you) go to all rooms, cupboards, drawers, garages, car, glove box etc. at your place to remove items that are either; broken, old, worn out, out-of-date, no longer needed, not being used enough or used at all, you have too many of you get the idea.
Day 1 find one item.
Day 2 find two items….
Day 20 find twenty items.
Day 21 find twenty-one items and so on and so on until you get to Day 30.

Day 5
Here’s how I do it:
To make it easier, I find a couple of large containers (washing basket, plastic crate, box). With one container I walk around my home collecting different items each day depending on what day I’m up to. I then leave it until the next day. Only when the container is full do I sort the items.
How I sort:
1/ Donate/Giveaway Container – destined for the op shop/charity or family and friends
2/ Return to Owner Container – things I’ve borrowed from people or things people have left at my home (placed at the front door or in my car)
3/ Sell Container – things I can be bothered to sell that are actually of high value ie over $100 cause realistically it can be highly consuming and a waste of time selling online
4/ Rubbish Bin – things in a terrible condition that you cannot donate to op shops, that can either be upcycled or tossed out.

Day 7
I have had a number of friends say to me…oh that is too hard I won’t be able to find that many things to declutter each day. I kid you not just start, slowly……one drawer at a time and you’ll be surprised at how many things you find that are:
> Old, worn, broken or missing (and need updating) – socks, underwear, jewellery, shoes etc.
> Out of date (food, medicines, cosmetics) – go find all those out of date food items in your fridge and pantry and get rid of them now! Show your body the love it deserves by surrounding yourself with fresh, in date foods.
> Too many of – because seriously how many coffee cups, wooden spoons, t-shirts or pairs of jeans do you really need???
> Not being worn or used – this can be a hard one. It was the main reason I started Raid My Wardrobe because too many of my clothes were sitting around being unworn and they deserved the respect to not sit in my home idle and unloved and to be loved by other people. So look at items in your home – are they being used, do they make you feel happy when you look at them or bring you sadness? Move them on….and watch magic and joy come into your life instead.

Day 12
I’m currently up to Day 20 and I still manged to find things in my wardrobe to donate even though I do a regular declutter every couple of months. So far, that means 190 have left my home and I haven’t even got to my office or the shed yet!
Are you up for the challenge? Reply to this email with any questions you have and make a start even if it’s for a just few days in just one room….you’ll feel so much better for it!
Have a beautiful week!
Much much love to you!
Rachel x
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